Other Treatment Options

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends sleep apnea retainers as the first line of treatment for mild to moderate sleep apnea cases.
If diagnosed with sleep apnea, what are my treatment options?
In some cases lifestyle changes such as the following have been helpful:
- Weight loss
- Avoid sleeping on your back
- Limit alcohol use and smoking
If you are struggling with mild to moderate OSA and haven’t been helped by or can’t tolerate CPAP, an oral appliance might be an ideal treatment option. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommends sleep apnea retainers as the first-line treatment method for cases of mild to moderate sleep apnea.
Dr. Hale will fit you with a simple and easy retainer and provide you with the instructions you need to wear it properly. Our sleep apnea retainer will help to maintain the forward position of your lower jaw while you sleep to allow your airway to stay open and provide you with the oxygen and quality sleep you need.
There are a couple of types of oral sleep apnea therapy mouthpieces each having a unique function for opening your upper airway.
Tongue retaining device
This is a mouthpiece that holds your tongue in a forward position so it doesn’t block your upper airway.
Mandibular repositioning mouthpiece
This device covers your lower and upper teeth and holds your jaw in a position for preventing the blockage of your upper airway.
Sleep Test…in your own home
Do I need to have a sleep test done?
Yes You Do
Sleep apnea is a life threatening medical condition. Proper diagnosis and treatment will greatly affect your quality of life, and could possibly save it.
Simply Call To Schedule Your Home Sleep Test
When you arrive, Dr. Hale will calibrate the unit to your weight and height and instruct you on the proper fitting of the testing equipment. The WatchPat sleep measuring unit is trusted by medical clinics across the country. This unit, when used for two nights, gives accurate readings of your sleep behavior.
After your regular doctor analyzes your results, they will recommend a diagnosis. If necessary, you will be referred back to Dr. Hale with a prescription for the fitting of an easy and simple retainer. You will also receive all of the education you need for your new retainer.